Babies Tasting Lemon for the First Time

#1 One Eyed Willie

There are few things more painful than an unexpected squirt of lemon juice to the bare eyeball. By the looks of crazy eye here we think he got a juice rocket to the left eye, leaving him looking like a mad scientist who has just come up with a plan to take over the world.

#2 The Perfect Sour Face

When photographers imagine a kids-only lemon tasting photo shoot, this is the final product they have in mind. This one has it all; Squinting smile, tongue out, adorable kid. And to think it was just her practice run: she hasn't even taken a bite!

3 Is this Considered Child Abuse?

This kid seems like he's way too young to be participating in this photo shoot. The other kids seemed like they at least knew they were going to be eating a strange fruit. This kid's parents ruined lemon for him by consenting to this taste test. You can kiss all the lemon meringue pies and lemon pastries you wanted to cook for your growing boy goodbye.

#4 Spike Hair Don't Care

Something tells me that this girl would have a cheese eating grin on her face even if you smashed her Barbie collection right in front of her face. OK, it's definitely her hairstyle that's giving that impression, but the smile she's got while scarfing down a lemon means she is just a happy baby, plain and simple.

#5 That's the Wrong Lemon, Buddy

This kid had his victory speech prepared after watching the others squirm and cry after biting into their lemons. He decided to scrap the dance routine that went along with it when he realized he had been nibbling on his fingers for the past half hour.

#6 And I Should Trust You Why?

This girl has the look of a kid who does not give out her trust to any guy with a bag of candy. This is not your average toddler who can be lured into biting a lemon with promises of candy and go karts afterward. She is a little bit suspicious of this lemon and we can tell.

#7 Do You Take Me For a Fool?

Is this a small child or a tenured college professor? Something about this kid makes us think he is holding a lot of wisdom in that brain. His look says it all: "How dumb do you think I would have to be to take a bite of this lemon?"

#8 The Smart Investor

If I had to choose one of these toddlers to be my personal financial manager, this girl is the clear cut choice. By taking a lick of the lemon instead of a bite she shows restraint and caution that is beyond her years. If she treats a lemon with such care and caution imagine how she will handle a stock portfolio.

#9 That Bite was Ambitious

This is the face of a little girl who quite literally bit off more than she could chew. She saw the bright yellow color and was having dreams of Candy Mountain until she took a huge bite of fresh lemon. The result is a classic case of a toddler flashing a sour face.

#10 The Face of Nausea

If you have ever been in attendance at the tail end of a 21st birthday celebration you have seen the look on this guy's face before. He's not exactly at puke face but there is no way he's getting that lemon down. "I put on my polka-dot bib for this garbage?!"

#11 This Tastes Scary

This guy took a chunk out of a lemon slice and didn't like what he was tasting. He decided that the "if I can't see it, it can't hurt me" school of thought was the best way to sooth the awful sourness. Either that or someone needs a new diaper.

#12 Deep in Thought

One bite of lemon and this kid turns into a young Socrates pondering the deepest questions of the universe. His thousand-yard gaze is beyond his years and we can't help but think this kid is totally unsure how feels about lemons.

13 Run for the Hills

Someone told this girl she was getting a Kid's Meal and did the old lemon switch gag at the last second. The result: the most ferocious looking toddler we have seen in a long time. We don't envy the camera man who took this shot.